Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pet Peeve#1: LIARS!

Here is what happened: I work for a college in a unique position where I create media for online classes but am also tech support in the distance learning area. We have a lot of campuses all over the state. We all usually try to "play nice" and help students, and, for the most part,this works well. Now, I usually feel nothing but respect and a type of kinship for people in other campuses who work in distance learning. Lately I have been having a problem with someone from another campus who seems to think that I am trying to put something over on her and their school by trying to help a student. There are issues that are beyond my control, but these are the issues that she brings up like and expects me to fix, which is impossible. We have a student taking a distance class from them and she is supposed to coordinate this, per her job description. What she wanted was for my school to pay for postage for VHS tapes that needed to be sent back from their institute to ours. In early emails she said that this would expedite things. What she meant to say was, "I'm not sending a Goddamn thing until I get those emails!" She didn't say that exact phrase, but that was the jist of it. Of course she didn't let it be known that she wasn't sending JACK until after I had waited a couple weeks for the tapes. Meanwhile I have a student who needs this class to graduate, and is already planning her job search and future post graduation, which won't happen unless she is able to attend and pass this distance class. The situation wasn't the norm but but the bottom line was that we had an opportunity to help a student who had worked her ass off to get to where she was.
So after some heated emails, and me sending a large box of postage paid envelopes, we started receiving the tapes. Although the coordinator at the other school and I will never be friends, we were helping the student.
Now the instructor chimes in and says that he had been recording the classes audio and that he had them posted to his site for the students to see. Well, I didn't think, from talking to the student, that this was exactly true, so I checked. Sure enough, he only had one class recorded, broken up into two audio files. And they from a class almost three weeks ago. He has either been archiving them where students can't find them, or he is LYING!! Folks, I believe the latter.
The real question is why? Everything is basically rolling along, smoothed out. There hadn't been an email exchanged in over a week. Why now? I had dealt with his boss and thought, well, at least that department was in good shape. Now this douche-bag actually lies to me and the people at my location, as well as his own. WTF? I almost said something. I almost said, Hey you lying piece of garbage, I'm trying to help a student. What are you up to? What are your motives for sending this? Is it because you had told someone that you were recording these, and now that you aren't, will it make you look bad? Are you trying to make them believe that you are doing something that you aren't?
Why do most people lie? To prop themselves up, even if it means tearing someone else down. I have dealt with three people from that school and two of them lied to me. I believe it was to make themselves look better to their superiors. I have no use for people like that.
I also believe in Karma and the old saying about reaping what you sow. To put it another way, the character Evie, from the movie The Mummy, said it best when she told the mummy's toadie Beni, "You know, nasty little fellows such as yourself always get their comeuppance."

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