Monday, March 23, 2009

Right Radio is WRONG!!

I don't mean to make anyone mad but I have to say something about the new radio station here in Terre Haute, IN. I don't remember the call letters but 90% percent of the programming is Right Wing political banter. It is the type of banter that annoys me. It is all negative. Right now, it is negative even when they are talking about other Republicans. To me, it's all sour grapes. There party has lost control of the White House and the Senate. The radio hosts are hopping mad and slinging some of the worst assaults on the President and anyone who even looks like they might support him. For a long time, I believed that these people were trying to enact something. They were trying to move something, some policy or agenda. I finally figured out what they are selling, which is despair. When the Republicans were in charge, these radio folks were angry how the democrats were doing everything in their power to screw up what they, the Republicans were trying to move ahead with. Now that they are the "underdogs" they are upset by how much the Democrats are screwing up things for the United States World-wide.
So, they are always screaming (literally) about "leftist media" and how things are never reported "fair and balanced." I found all of this confusing and offensive.
But then I started to put this in prospective. These people spewing hate and negativity aren't elected officials, politicians, or policy-makers. They are talk show hosts. Which, frankly, breaks down to them being entertainers. Some of you may have already made this connect earlier and all I can say to that is, "Big frickin' deal! I'm a little slow, but I usually get it!"
I do listen to the station for Art Bell, who always has an interesting guest that will try and expand your mind about anything from UFOs to real fairies. And I do believe that is the difference between these entertainers. Much of what Art presents is new, exciting and positive. When Art is talking about Ghost, the Ghost have something to tell you. They are not trying to kill you. Same with most of the Alien stuff. Most has a positive spin.
So, here is what I found. The Right Wing propaganda is negative and will affect people by giving them a glum outlook. They don't talk about positive things unless they are saying how smart they are. They keep their ratings by marketing toward people who are paranoid and controlled by fear. These aren't dumb people. They are people who feel that they are always getting screwed over, but don't know who to blame. Right Wing radio makes it easy for these people by giving them someone to blame.
I have listened to this radio station for the last week and I am to the point that I even chosen Country music above this. And not good Country music either. It the crappy top 40 Country stuff. But it still beats being bombarded with whiney pissing and moaning, bitter name-calling, and out and out lying.
So Remember, if you fill your head with negative crap from some 2-bit "entertainers" you derserve to feel as miserable as it will make you feel.
BTW: For the record I'm not a Democrat. I am a Libertarian. I would bet that most of the people reading this don't really know much about the Libertarian party. So don't dismiss it's worth if you don't know about it. That is a something that happens that does dissappoint me. But I'll keep that for another blog.

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